As a small business, your website is an essential part of your marketing and branding efforts. Visitors come to your website for a specific reason, and you want to make sure you answer their questions and use your website to sell your product or service. If you need help designing your website, consult a professional website builder .
If you get your website designed poorly, you can easily lose thousands of dollars at first, and ultimately lose even more money in potential revenue than you could make from a well-designed, properly functioning website.
Increase your bottom line by avoiding many of these common business owner mistakes:
1. Put urgency ahead of understanding your target market
Instead of focusing on getting your website done as quickly as possible, you need to research your target audience in your specific market first. Then, design your website based on your research.
For example, if your target market is older, perhaps the font size should be larger. Or if your product is aimed at a younger audience, you need to think about restoring your site to be compatible with smartphones.
You will have to determine where your users should go once on your site? This question is easy to answer if you know your market.
2. The design is too busy or too showy.
Tactikmedia, is a design, web design , and web development company, and we know that to be successful on the internet, you need to focus on marketing your website – not flashy design. eye. Your design should not only aim to bring users to your site, but also lead them to the right place once they reach your homepage.
Additionally, flashy websites don’t look good on mobile phones or tablets, and a large majority of internet users now visit websites from these wireless devices.
If within three seconds they don’t know what to do, you may need to go back to the drawing board.
3. No clear call to action.
What do you want users to do once they find your website? Do you want them to buy your product, contact you, or subscribe to your company’s email newsletter? You need to tell visitors what’s next and when (ideally now!). Your content should answer the question “What’s in it for me” and then the call to action tells them what to do next.
4. Paying too little or too much for website creation
You don’t know how many times people come to my company after hiring a cheap designer, letting them make bad business decisions, and ending up with a horrible product. At the same time, businesses are distracted by expensive agencies that work with big brands, and don’t realize that those agencies may not be able to help a small business that is focused on ROI. Simply put: don’t inflate your budget on your website, but do your research to ensure you receive a quality product.
5. Outdated Content
Customers expect your website to contain the latest information about your products, services, and business. When it doesn’t, they may assume you’re out of business or just not innovative and ahead of the competition. Your content should meet the needs of your customers (or potential customers) and be updated as things change. If you have a blog, updating it at least once a week — if not more — can help drive visitors to your website and keep search engines happy.
Also, avoid linking to your Facebook or Twitter pages if you only have a small number of visitors. People may think your business is too small and end up not hiring you.
6. Try to target everyone.
It comes down to knowing your target market; your website will be a disaster if you try to accommodate every type of visitor you may receive. It’s best to know your most frequent users and focus on creating the best possible experience for them. If you try to please the masses, you will probably end up pleasing no one.
7. Take the DIY route
Your website is often your customers’ first experience with your brand. If you don’t have a design background, do you really think you can do it justice? Remember that the first impression is essential. Don’t allow your customers to make assumptions about your business because of a poorly designed website.